JAZZ . Flying fun, even in the most challenging conditions.
The JAZZ goes with you wherever you go. Its semi-reflex profile makes it easy to launch and stable at all speeds.
JAZZ wants to explore the environment with you, flying over the horizon and back again. An aspect ratio of 5.3 ensures good fuel efficiency without making the JAZZ too demanding. The JAZZ can be used in training as a successor to the Ballad, allowing talented students to take advantage of flying an advanced glider. The speed and trimmer systems provide elevated speeds so that long distances can be covered quickly and comfortably without extra waste of fuel. The controls are light without being nervous, making the JAZZ easy to handle. With the trimmers closed, the approach speed is pleasantly low and the landing is always pleasantly controllable due to the well dosed flair.
Designer's note:
The design of the JAZZ was focused on an accessible XC paramotor wing to achieve these high performance levels, while remaining very accessible. Agile with safety characteristics and turbulence dampening were also important. Meteorological conditions on a long trip are not always predictable. Based on our experience with previous models, we were able to keep some old good features unchanged, while at the same time designing and thoroughly testing the necessary adjustments to finally present a mature paramotor glider in the form of the JAZZ.
Technical features:
- SNI (Smart Nose Intakes) makes takeoff preparation easier and gives the leading edge more strength, making it more resistant to collapses.
- TMR (Trailing Edge Miniribs): less drag caused by the trailing edge, tighter shape, more performance.
- RLE (Rigid Leading Edge): less drag, smaller surface area, smooth airflow over the wing surface.